How to Maximize Your Internship Experience

Interning in the fashion industry sounds luxurious and glamorous, and for the most part, it is. But being thrown into the chaos of it all can seem daunting and overwhelming at first. An internship can be one of the most amazing opportunities for those who successfully maximize their newfound role. As someone who interned in New York City for almost the entirety of 2023, I feel an utter sense of responsibility to share my personal experience as well as my honest advice on how to get the most out of your internship.

Be proactive in making connections

I was a Public Relations and Influencer Marketing intern for Tanya Taylor, and if I have learned anything, it is that networking and making connections within the industry is crucial to advancing your career. I never knew who I was going to meet when I entered the office that day, but I was always prepared to converse with someone new and connect with them on a social media or professional platform. I have met so many amazing creatives in the fashion industry throughout my time at Tanya Taylor, and I plan on keeping in touch with every single one of them. Whether it be a Vogue editor or a small influencer, everyone knows someone, and that could be a pivotal connection for you to have in the future.

Always say yes

Of course, there are exceptions to this. Always follow your moral compass, and never do something you are uncomfortable doing. Nevertheless, your time as an intern is valuable so take advantage of it. Enthusiasm will be your best friend. If my supervisor asked me to come to the office on days that I did not normally work, I said yes. If I was asked to come to photoshoots at seven in the morning instead of ten, I said yes. I said yes to almost everything unless it conflicted with school or work because I knew that something beneficial would come out of it. I was invited to more photoshoots, attended exclusive events, met people I would have never imagined being in the same room with, and ultimately gained the trust and respect of my coworkers and supervisors.

Do not limit yourself

I gained so much insight and knowledge about public relations and marketing at Tanya Taylor, but I was eager to learn more from other departments within the company. I was able to expand my scope of knowledge by asking to be a part of projects that did not necessarily align with my intended internship. I worked closely with the e-commerce and sales teams, but I would have never even scratched the surface of these other departments if I had limited myself to what I was originally assigned to do. Taking initiative will set you apart from the other interns. I was even offered a sales internship from the company because of my eagerness to learn. People in the industry love to share their skills and expertise, especially with bright-eyed interns who are beyond excited to grasp as much information as possible.

Dress for success (and comfort)

I am a firm believer in dressing for success, but I am an even bigger believer in being comfortable. I am sure you want to look your best by wearing your shiniest heels or your most structured blazer, but life is not like the movies, and wearing a pair of sneakers will not kill you. On my first day, I wore the most uncomfortable knee-high boots and a dress I could barely move in. Yes, I was dressed to the nines, but it was almost impossible to pull samples from the PR rack. The next day I showed up in an oversized knit sweater, black dress pants and Converse. Not only was I appropriately dressed, but I was more than capable of taking on any task that came my way.

Remove the word ‘embarrass’ from your vocabulary

You cannot be scared or embarrassed to make mistakes because you will absolutely make some along the way. It can be intimidating to sit in a meeting and not have a clue as to what is going on. I can assure you that no one in that room expects you to have all the answers. At the beginning of my internship, I was too embarrassed to ask my supervisor how to do something because I did not want her to think I was unqualified for the position. However, I quickly realized that the whole point of me being there was to learn and ask questions. As cliché as it sounds, there really is no such thing as a stupid question.

The last piece of advice is the most obvious but also the most important—always have a positive attitude. You think no one is watching, but you would be surprised how appreciated your infectious energy is. Supervisors will remember you for not only your work and contributions to the company but also for how you approached tasks and treated those around you.

At the end of the day, internships are supposed to be fun so take in every moment and enjoy it.


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